Friday, March 30, 2007

Beasiswa Pascasarjana

UK International Postgraduate Scholarships in Bristol University
Deadline: 30 June 2007
Note: Taught Master's programmes only

Applicants can be from any country, but must be liable to pay the full international tuition fee.
Applicants must hold an offer for a Taught Postgraduate programme at the University of Bristol.

Applicants must have firmly accepted the offer made by the University of Bristol before submitting an application.
Conditional offer holders may apply for the scholarship but an award can only be made if conditions are met.
The deadline for applications is 30th June 2007 for those students commencing their studies in September 2007.
The scholarship application must be typed (or reasons for not doing so given) and must be a piece of original work signed by the applicant.
All scholarship applicants must agree to provide a student profile to be used in publications for the purposes of marketing the University of Bristol.
Current University of Bristol masters students are not eligible to apply.
Applicants who defer entry must apply for the academic year in which their studies will start.
There are 10 Scholarships worth £2000 each for a single programme of study. The amount will be deducted directly from tuition fees.
Scholarships are awarded by the 'International Recruitment Office' Scholarships Panel and all decisions are final.
Students will be notified in late September or early October if they have been successful and there will be a ceremony held early in the academic year to celebrate the awards.
Postal applications must be sent to: International Scholarship Administrator, International Recruitment Office, University of Bristol Union, Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1LN
Email applications must be sent to:
Select the following link in order to download an International Taught Postgraduate Scholarship application form.

Beasiswa Riset Pascasarjana Politik

UK: Postgraduate Research Scholarships in Politics, University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham Department of Political Science and International Studies
Postgraduate Research Scholarships

The Department is offering two scholarships of £10,000/year for 3 years to new applicants starting a PhD research degree in the Department of Political Science and International Studies, 2007/8

Deadline for Applications: 1 May 2007

For details on areas of supervision, please consult our website

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

academic merit of the proposal
academic qualifications
academic references
English language qualifications
Any prior teaching experience will also be taken into account. Further enquiries contact Professor Daniel Wincott on


The £10,000 scholarship comprises two parts:
a) A lump sum scholarship component of approximately £6500 per year
b) A component of approximately £3500 per year comprising income from Graduate Teaching Assistant duties. These duties will consist of four hours of teaching per week during term time, two office hours per week during term time, and examination and coursework marking duties. Specific rates of pay and conditions will be specified by contract.
Applicants will be expected to apply to external sources of funding also; if they are successful, they will be expected to take up the external funding rather than the University of Birmingham scholarship.
The scholarship competition is open to Home, EU and International students, studying on a full time basis.
Existing Postgraduate Research students in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Birmingham are not eligible to apply.
A scholarship committee comprising the Head of Department, Director of the Graduate School, Director of Postgraduate Research and the Research Director, will select the successful applicants. Applicants may be required to participate in a telephone interview. The decision of the committee cannot be appealed.
Successful applicants will be informed in writing in mid-June.
For more information, please visit the official announcement.

Lowongan Magang S3 Fisika

We have an immediate opening for a student with a background in thin film physics or nanomaterials interested in pursuing a PhD or Masters at Queen’s University. We are particularly interested in those specializing in optics or photonics. Candidates require at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Physics, Engineering Physics, Materials Science or a related discipline.

Students will gain experience working in an exciting lab, exploring fundamental questions of chaos and fractal growth of nanomaterials, while developing useful applications in optics, photonic crystals, and electromagnetic devices. Students will gain experience with thin film fabrication and nanotechnology in a state-of-the-art cleanroom and use equipment including a variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometer, a custom designed deposition system, and an atomic force microscope.

Skills that are beneficial include: hands-on experience in a research lab, experience in a thin film fabrication facility, experience with ellipsometry, strong optics and photonics training, Labview programming experience, strong computer skills, and a careful, methodical approach to research and the scientific method.

Send resume and references to:

Dr. Kevin Robbie
Department of Physics
Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6

+1 (613) 533-2714 (phone)
+1 (613) 533-6463 (fax)

or email with Grad Student in Optics in the subject line. Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted.

German Industry Scholarship Program (GIS) - Scholarships

Invitation for Applications

German Industry Scholarship Program (GIS) - Scholarships for Summer
Schools in Germany 2007 Sur-Place Fellowship Program of the German
Industry - under the Auspices of the German Ambassador

Dear GIS-Students and GIS-Alumni, in 2007 the German
Industry Scholarship Scheme that has started in 2001 will be phasing out.

Until now 107 students have been supported through this
program. Many have successfully completed their studies and are now working
for national and international companies in Indonesia, others still
continue their studies. All scholarship holders have been given the
opportunity to learn some German and a small group even made it to the
intermediate level some time later.
The donors of the German Industry wish to strengthen these
efforts and offer as a reward
Several Full Scholarships (incl. Travel, Accommodation and
for Participation at a University Summer Course in Germany
during Summer 2007
There are courses of 3-4 weeks in German and/or English
offered in the fields:

German as a Foreign Language
German Language and Literature Studies
Music, Dance, Art, Film, Design
Social and Cultural Sciences
Law and Economics
Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Computer Science
For your guidance you may use the DAAD Summer Course search
engine which is available at :
Please check the entry requirements and other details yourself. You
can name 3 options for courses you wish to attend. You can rank the
options according to your preferences. More about scholarship information
and condition.
Deadline of application will be 10 April 2007.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications.

V. Y Risonarta, MSc
Institute for Industrial Furnace and Heat Engineering
Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen

Kopernikusstrasse 16
D-52074 Aachen - Germany

Email :
Website :
Telephone : +49 (0) 241 - 80 25941
Facs : +49 (0) 241 - 80 22289

Lomba Karya Tulis Mahasiswa (LKTM ) 2007

Nomor : 0265/D2.3/2007
Hal : Lomba Karya Tulis Mahasiswa (LKTM ) 2007

Kepada Yth.
1. Purek/Warek/Puket Bidang Kemahasiswaan PTN/PTS
2. Purek/Warek Bidang Kemahasiswaan PT BHMN
3. Sekretaris Pelaksana Kopertis I s.d. XII
di Seluruh Indonesia

Dalam rangka pengembangan wawasan dan kemampuan akademik mahasiswa
Direktorat Akademik Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas pada tahun anggaran 2007 kembali
akan menyelenggarakan Lomba Karya Tulis Mahasiswa (LKTM) dengan tema
"Peningkatan Daya Saing Bangsa dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan".

Adapun penjelasan LKTM tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

1.. Bidang yang dilombakan dalam LKTM ini adalah: IPA, IPS dan
2.. Peserta adalah mahasiswa PTN/PTS program strata satu (S1),
bersifat perorangan dan/atau kelompok (maksimal 3 orang).
3.. Pola seleksi mulai dari Tingkat PT/Kopertis, Tingkat Wilayah,
sampai dengan Tingkat Nasional dilaksanakan dalam satu tahun anggaran,
dengan penjelasan:
a. Seleksi Tingkat PT/Kopertis, sudah selesai paling lambat akhir
April 2007
b. Seleksi Tingkat Wilayah, sudah selesai paling lambat akhir Mei
c. Seleksi Tingkat Nasional dilaksanakan pada PIMNAS XX Juli 2007 di
Universitas Lampung.
4.. Perguruan Tinggi sebagai tempat penyelenggara LKTM Seleksi
Tingkat Wilayah Bidang IPA, IPS dan Pendidikan 2007 akan kami beritahukan
5.. Kepada seluruh Sekretaris Pelaksana Kopertis Wilayah I s.d. XII
kami harapkan dapat melaksanakan LKTM Tingkat Kopertis untuk menetapkan
pemenang I, II, dan III masing-masing bidang sebagai calon peserta LKTM
Tingkat Wilayah.
6.. Adapun alternatif topik karya tulis yang dapat dipilih sebagai
acuan penulisan antara lain:
a. Bidang IPA (cover biru muda)
· Pengkajian dan peningkatan potensi berbagai sumber daya alam
· Pengkajian, penerapan, dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi untuk
pemanfaatan sumber daya dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas hidup
· Pendayagunaan potensi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.
b. Bidang IPS (cover merah muda)
· Pengembangan kesadaran dan sistem hukum (nasional)
· Pengembangan Tripartit (tiga serangkai) Pemerintah, BUMN, dan
· Pengembangan menuju masyarakat madani (civil society)
· Pengembangan sistem manajemen dan pemasaran UKM
· Pembinaan keluarga dalam menghadapi perubahan nilai sosial
· Peranan komunikasi massa dalam perubahan sosial budaya
· Pengembangan pariwisata dan dampak sosialnya.
· Peningkatan kualitas kesehatan masyarakat
· Masalah kekerasan (dalam keluarga, wanita, anak-anak, dan
· Masalah pornografi/pornoaksi
c. Bidang Pendidikan (cover kuning muda)
· Pengembangan sistem pendidikan
· Pengembangan pusat sumber belajar
· Pengembangan sumber daya guru/dosen
· Pengembangan pendidikan luar sekolah dan belajar berkelanjutan
· Pengembangan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi
· Pengembangan pendidikan luar biasa
· Pengembangan metoda dan evaluasi pembelajaran menggunakan
SCL (Student Centered Learning)
7.. Penulisan karya ilmiah mengacu pada Pedoman Umum Lomba Karya
Tulis Mahasiswa (LKTM) Bidang IPA, IPS, dan Pendidikan 2006 yang
diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Akademik Ditjen Dikti.
Demikian kami sampaikan dan atas perhatian serta kerjasama yang baik
kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Direktur Akademik,

Tresna Dermawan Kunaefi
NIP 130702336

Tembusan Yth. :
1. Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi (sebagai laporan)
2. Direktur P2M selaku Penanggung Jawab Pimnas XX.

Kontes Debat Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi

No. : 0517/D2.3/2007
Lamp. :
Hal : Kontes Debat Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi (National
University English Debating Contest)

Kepada Yth.
1. Rektor Universitas/Institut Negeri
2. Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Negeri
3. Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah I - XII
Seluruh Indonesia

Dalam rangka meningkatkan penalaran mahasiswa terutama dalam kemampuan
bahasa Inggris secara lisan melalui debat dengan didukung argumentasi
ilmiah, Direktorat Akademik Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas tahun 2007 akan
menyelenggarakan Kontes Debat Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi
(National University English Debating Contest) di 4 (empat) wilayah yaitu
Wilayah A (Sumatera, Banten dan DKI Jakarta), B (Jabar, DIY, Jateng, dan
Kalimantan), C (Jatim, Bali, NTB, dan NTT), dan Wilayah D (Sulawesi,
Maluku dan Papua).

Adapun jadwal dan perguruan tinggi penyelenggara kontes debat di 4
(empat) wilayah tersebut adalah :

No Wilayah PT Penyelenggara Tgl. Pelaksanaan
1. A Universitas Indonesia 23-25 April 2007
2. B Universitas Negeri Semarang 24-26 April 2007
3. C Universitas Negeri Surabaya 19-21 April 2007
4. D Universitas Negeri Makassar 30 April - 2 Mei 2007

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mengharapkan perguruan tinggi
Saudara mengirimkan peserta untuk mengikuti kontes debat bahasa Inggris
tersebut dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

1.. Kontes debat bahasa Inggris menggunakan Sistim Parlemen Inggris.
2.. Jumlah peserta setiap PTN diwakili maksimal 2 (dua) Tim,
sedangkan Kopertis diwakili 3 Tim (3 PTS). Setiap tim berjumlah 2 (dua) orang.
3.. Peserta harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut :
- Mahasiswa yang masih aktif dan terdaftar pada perguruan tinggi
- Mendapat rekomendasi dari pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi
- Dapat berasal dari berbagai program studi
4.. Setiap peserta dikenakan biaya pendaftaran sebesar
Rp.400.000,-/Tim (2 orang), sedangkan akomodasi/konsumsi ditanggung Ditjen Dikti.
5.. Biaya transportasi dari daerah asal ke tempat kegiatan ditanggung
oleh masing-masing perguruan tinggi pengirim.
6.. Undangan resmi akan disampaikan oleh perguruan tinggi
penyelenggara kontes .
Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian serta kerjasama yang baik kami
ucapkan terima kasih.

Direktur Akademik,

Tresna Dermawan Kunaefi
NIP 130702336

Tembusan Yth. :
- Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi (sebagai laporan)
- PR III PT Penyelenggara.

PhD position in Ceramics Science: Drying of ceramic thin films

Firma/Institution: Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany)
Land: Germany
Position:PhD Position
eingegangen am:28/03/2007

A PhD position (Doktorandenstellen) is available at the Materials
Science Department of Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany). The
successful candidate will integrate a young research team focusing on the
development of new ceramic processes in a dynamic and international
work environment.

The drying is a necessary step in the manufacturing of ceramic
layers when using particle suspensions. The evaporation of solvent
induces shrinkage and stresses in the drying layer, which can create cracks
and delamination from the substrate. Experimental work encompasses thin
film processing and in-situ measurement of physical and mechanical
properties by means of innovative techniques during drying. The
experimental data will be used to develop a predictive model of drying.

Ideal candidates have a good background both in materials
science and mechanics.

High motivation, ability to work in team but also autonomy,
curiosity, very good experimental skills as well as interest in theoretical
approaches are expected.

This project will include cooperative work in Germany and

Fluency in English is required, knowledge of German is

Salary is funded by the German Research Organization (DFG) for
a duration of 3 years, at the rate of 5/6 Bat IIa.

Envisioned start time: flexible, from May 2007

Darmstadt University of Technology specifically encourages female
candidates to apply with a view towards increasing the proportion of female
scientists. Handicapped persons with comparable qualifications receive
preferential status.
Interested candidates should send their application per mail (in
English or German, including a cover letter indicating their motivation to
apply for this position, detailed CV, certificates, a short summary of
research, references…). E-mail applications will not be considered.

Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung an:

Kontakt Dr. Olivier Guillon Adresse Technische
Universität Darmstadt FB Materialwissenschaft, FG NAW, Petersenstr.
Ort Darmstadt Postleitzahl 64287 Telefon
06154-166396 E-Mail

Weitere Informationen:

Kontakt Dr. Olivier Guillon Adresse Technische
Universität Darmstadt FB Materialwissenschaft, FG NAW, Petersenstr.
23 Ort Darmstadt Postleitzahl 64287
Telefon 06154-166396 E-Mail

Asia Pacific MDG Media Awards

Asia Pacific MDG Media Awards


It is opened for Web-based Material Now.
The submission deadline is extended until 15 April 2007

About the Awards
The Asia-Pacific MDGs Media Awards honor distinguished reporting on
the Millennium Development Goals by producers and journalists in
print, radio and television covering the Asia-Pacific region.

The MDGs form a human development blueprint agreed to by all the
world's countries and all the world's leading development
institutions. There are eight goals, all with time-bound targets to
be achieved by the year 2015. The MDGs represent a vision of a
better world with less poverty, universal primary education, gender
equality, healthy mothers and children, a world no longer threatened
by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and dwindling environmental resources.

The Awards aim to generate better awareness and understanding of the
MDGs in Asia-Pacific, and motivate journalists from the region to
cover stories on how MDGs are being pursued in the region. It is
also hoped that media will be stimulated, through the Awards, to
become a driving force in accelerating national action toward
achieving the MDGs.

A team of professional and independent jurors for each category will
select the winning entries on 30-31 March 2007 at the AIBD office in
Kuala Lumpur. Criteria will cover accuracy and innovation, clarity
of message, technical proficiency and overall presentation.

The first of its kind in the region, the Awards will be presented
during the 63rd UNESCAP Commission Session scheduled for April 2007.

The 1st prizewinner for each category receives US$7,000 plus a
trophy and certificate, and the runner-up US$2,000, a trophy and a
certificate. Deadline for all entries is 25 March 2007. The Asia-
Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) acts as the
secretariat for the Awards, which are made possible through the
cooperation and assistance of the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Contest Rules
Contest year is 1 January 2006 through 30 June 2007. All entries
must be postmarked on or before midnight of 25 March 2007 (update:
15 April 2007).

Entries can be in English and in the local language with
corresponding requirements.
Entries must have been originally published or broadcast in any
country within the Asia-Pacific region during the competition
period, or are scheduled for publication and airing not later than
end of June 2007.
The applicant must secure signed authorization from his superiors,
granting the following royalty-free worldwide rights to AIBD and

The right to redistribute the submitted material to contest judges
for the purpose of screening.
In the event your entry is chosen as a winner, the right to
redistribute the material via cable, terrestrial broadcast,
satellite, CD/DVD, internet webcast or other media, in original or
in any reencoded digital or analogue form, for the purpose of
promoting the millennium development goals.
Furthermore, you guarantee that the material is free from rights of
3rd parties worldwide. Entries will not be returned.

If the entry is yet to be published or aired, the applicant must
secure written commitment from the duly authorized media
representative for a definite airing or publication not later than
30 June 2007.
All entries should be sent to the following address:
Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development
C/o Jose Maria G. Carlos
2nd Floor, Bangunan IPTAR
Kompleks Angkasapuri
50614 Kuala Lumpur

Entries in the three categories should focus on one or all of the
following aspects in their reports:

Tracking progress on the MDGs in your country: How are countries in
the region performing? Which countries are `on track' to achieve
the MDGs and which aren't? Why are some countries performing well
and not others?

Human Face of MDGs: What does MDGs mean for citizens in the region ?
What is the role of civil society? What are the success stories
heading towards 2015? Who are the key players driving forward change
and what are they doing?
Changes needed in achieving the MDGs – What changes are needed to
meet the 2015 target? Eg. improving public service delivery
(including education, health, water and sanitation); engaging
communities; empowering women; fostering publicprivate partnership;
For more information on the MDGs, please go to For information on MDGs in the Asia
Pacific region, including reports and 10- minute film on MDGs, visit

Who can Participate
Radio & Television

The competition is open to all radio and TV producers/journalists
from public service broadcasting organisations, private networks and
free-lance producers covering the `UNESCAP' Asia and the Pacific
region. Entries will be accepted from all producers, regardless of
the nature, size and shape of the organization they might belong to.

Eligible entries include a special report, current affairs
programme, talk show or a documentary with a length of between 15
minutes and 60 minutes. A series of at least 10-minute feature
report each (minimum of two reports) is acceptable. Daily news
stories are excluded.
Each producer can submit up to two programmes only. All entries can
be in English and/or in the local language. If they are in the
vernacular or local language, a subtitle in English should be in
place for television, and for radio, they should be accompanied by a
typewritten English translation. In both instances, entry must be
submitted together with the entry form and a written certification
from the editor/executive producer that the translation truly
reflects the content of the programme script in the local language.
Each applicant can submit up to two entries only.
All entries must be submitted in VCD/DVD for TV programmes and in CD
for radio programmes.


Journalists covering the `UNESCAP' Asia and the Pacific region,
whether freelance or affiliated or regularly employed in a newspaper
or magazine company can join the competition.

Eligible entries include a special report, feature and investigative
piece. Daily news stories and publicity materials are excluded.
Entries must be in English and/or in the local language and must
have a minimum length of 1,000 words. Entries in the local language,
however, must be accompanied by a typewritten English translation
and a written certification from the chief editor of the
newspaper/magazine, which published the article that the translation
truly reflects the content of the article in the local language.
Each applicant can submit up to two pieces only. They should have
been published in a newspaper or magazine of mass circulation in the
country of origin within the contest year.
If the article is yet to be published, the applicant must secure a
written commitment from the duly authorized media representative for
a definite schedule of publication.

Web-based Material

Articles published on a web site fall within the print category.
Videos published on a web site fall under the TV category. In both
cases, web-based materials must be publicly available on the
internet throughout the competition period (1 January 2006 to 30
June 2007). Any entrant can submit a maximum of two web-based
articles and up to two web-based videos. Entries can be in English
or the local language, with an accompanying English translation.

Web-based works are judged as-in, meaning as they appear on the web
site. We will not accept DVDs or CD-ROMs with an off-line
replication of a web site. Web-based works have to be live and on-
The MDG Media Awards assumes that any entered web-based work is
authentic in all its parts: text, pictures, audio, video and other
multimedia elements. Entries must be secured with signed
authorization from the creator(s) (i.e. author and/or producer) as
well as from the current owner of the intellectually property rights
on the work (i.e. the employer).
Entries don't have to cover all eight MDGs, but could focus on one.
The range of content for the media awards is enormous. Suggested
ideas include
A person or family's struggle to ease hunger and fight disease (MDG
Goal 1)
Success story of an AIDS victim and the role government, civil
society and other institutions play into that family's ordeal. (MDG
Goal 6)
Young peoples concerns with climate change and air quality (MDG Goal
A `day in the life' of a rural child trying to obtain an education
(MDG Goal 2)

Reference to the MDGs (whether one or all MDG Goals) in your content
is mandatory.

Judging Process & Criteria
Each category will have 3 jurors. An AIBD panel will undertake the
first screening to ensure basic rules and requirements are met.

Professional and independent jurors with relevant expertise and
experience in each category will do the second screening.
They will judge each entry submitted in its entirety, in an
independent and objective manner. All entries must meet the
universally accepted standards of professional journalism relating
to fairness, relevance, accuracy and balance.
Other equally important criteria will involve the following:
Radio and Television

Innovation - (25) Points are awarded for originality, creativity,
and novelty.
Clarity of Message – (25) Points are awarded for substance in
communicating the topic/issue to the listener/viewer, for raising
level of awareness of the value and impact of MDGs and for holding
the attention of the audience.
Technical Quality – (25) Points are awarded for production quality,
best use of production elements such as music, voice, graphs,
interviews, etc.
Overall Presentation – (25) Points are awarded for how various
editorial and production elements are combined to produce a
compelling programme that impact society as a whole.

Sourcing – (25 Points) article must feature more than one source of
data. Claims must be corroborated by interviews, documents and/or
Clarity of Message–(25 Points) the article explains the topic
clearly to the newspaper/magazine audience, ensuring right grammar,
syntax and choice of words.
Technical Proficiency – (25 Points) the piece must show above
average level of writing skill/style, appealing and able to
communicate complex issues into understandable piece to the ordinary
Impact on Society – (25 Points) article must exhibit scope and
significance of issue/subject and its impact on society as a whole.
All the jurors will select the winning entries on 30-31 March 2007
at the AIBD office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Awards will be
presented in April 2007 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The decision of the board of judges is final.

The 1st prize winner in the print, radio and TV categories will
receive seven thousand US dollars ($7,000), a trophy and a

The runner –up in the print, radio and TV categories will receive
two thousand US dollars ($2,000), a trophy and a certificate.
First prize winners will be invited to a press conference by UNESCAP
in Bangkok, Thailand. Airfares and hotel accommodations will be
covered by the secretariat.
Cash prizes will be given to the winning producers for radio and TV
and to the winning author/writer for print. The winning networks and
publications will receive trophies and certificates.

Submission Procedures

Submit a completed entry form with one recording of the broadcast
material, and four (4) copies of a short description of the
broadcast material. Each copy of the short description should have a
copy of the entry form attached.

For radio, the recording should be submitted as a CD. A television
entry may be submitted as a one-half inch VHS videocassette or a
DVD. An English translation of the radio programme should also be

Submit a completed entry form and four (4) copies of the entry,
which may consist of tear sheets, reprints or photocopies. Each of
the copies should have a copy of the completed form attached. The
submitted stories should clearly show the author's byline, the name
of the publication and the date of the publication.

For further details, please contact:

Mr. Jose Maria G. Carlos
E-mail: joecarlos(at)
Phone: +60-3-2282-3719/-4618

Ms. Stephanie Dunstan
E-mail: dunstan(at)
Phone: +66-2-288-2172

DISCCRS Early-Career Symposium for Climate-Change Scientists (

Did you recently get your Ph.D.? Are you interested in climate
change/climate impacts? If yes, then read on...

DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
Hawaii, Sept. 10-17, 2007 -- Deadline for applications: 30 April 2007
Airfare, room & board are fully paid for 36 accepted candidates from
the world.

DISCCRS (pronounced "discourse") is an interdisciplinary initiative for
recent Ph.D. graduates conducting research related to climate change
and its
impacts. The goal is to broaden research interests and establish a
peer network extending across the spectrum of NATURAL and SOCIAL
HUMANITIES, MATHEMATICS, ENGINEERING and other disciplines related to
climate change and its impacts. The initiative includes a public
electronic newsletter, and annual symposia funded through 2008.
Expenses: Airfare and on-site expenses are provided through NSF grant
EAR-0435728 to Whitman College.

Eligibility: Ph.D. requirements related to climate change and impacts.
Recent Ph.D. graduates from all disciplines and countries are invited
join the DISCCRS network and apply to be a DISCCRS symposium scholar.

Thirty-six applicants will be selected by an interdisciplinary
committee of
research scientists. During the week participants will provide oral and
poster presentations in plenary format, hone interdisciplinary
and team skills, and discuss emerging research, societal and
issues with each other and with established researchers invited to
serve as
mentors. Mentors for DISCCRS III are:

Kenneth H. Broad
Charles Kolstad
Susanne Moser
Terry L. Root
Stephen H. Schneider

For questions, please contact:

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Beasiswa Doktor Ekonomi

The Department of Economics at the University of Kent welcomes applications for 4 Doctoral Scholarships. All applicants will be considered for two types of posts:

2 Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTAs): These GTAs will cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate plus a maintenance grant of £4,250 in return for up to six hours seminar teaching per week. The GTAs will be offered for one year in the first instance and will be subject to review each year.

2 PhD Studentships: these will cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate plus a maintenance grant of £6,300 in return for up to six hours seminar teaching per week. They will be offered for one year in the first instance and will be subject to review each year.

For more information please go to here and here.

Candidates must hold a good Master’s degree at merit or distinction in Economics and/or equivalent subjects.

Students must provide with their applications: a full CV, academic transcripts, two reference letters and a short research project. Students should also apply online for the PhD programme in Economics at:
Get this daily scholarship info via email , click here

Lowongan Postdoc Techno-Economic Analysis

USA: Postdoc Position in Techno-economic Analysis of Biofuel Systems

The Biosystems Analysis Group has an immediate opening in the techno-economic analysis of biofuel production systems based on biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass. This full time position is focused on evaluating the economic and environmental sustainability of systems of technology for the production of lignocellulosic biomass and its conversion to alcohols and other valuable co-products.

Review of applications begins April 1st, 2007. Closing date is open.

Full announcemen

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Netherlands: Leiden University Fund (LUF) Scholarship 2007-2008

Each year the organisation of alumni, Leiden University Fund (LUF) awards LUF scholarships to outstanding foreign students pursuing a Masters Degree at Leiden University (See the list of eligible Masters programmes on

For 2007-2008, two scholarships are available for MA students in the Faculties of Theology, Archeology, and Philosophy together, and two scholarships each for the larger Faculties (Social and Behavioural Sciences, Arts, Law, Medicine, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences).

The LUF scholarship is open to talented students from all countries of the world except the Netherlands.

The scholarship consists of € 10.800,- for one academic year.

Applications can be made by sending the completed form (which is available at: to the Leiden University Fund.

Deadline: 1 April 2007.

Requirements for eligibility:

The applicant has been admitted to an English language Masters programme of Leiden University on the basis of prior education outside the Netherlands.
The applicant must have obtained excellent results in his/her previous studies and be for instance in the top 10% of students in his/her programme.
The applicant’s studies in the Netherlands must constitute a deepening and broadening of his/her previous studies in the home country.
Contact details LUF:
Leiden University Fund (LUF)
Rapenburg 61
2311 GJ Leiden
The Netherlands


Website: /

Qatar: 2007 Fellowships to ATTEND Islamic Art Symposium

Fellowships Available to ATTEND Islamic Art Symposium at VCU, Qatar

RICHMOND, Va.— Fellowships for travel and accommodation are available for scholars of Islamic art to attend Rivers of Paradise: Water in Islamic Art and Culture at VCU\’s Qatar campus Nov. 4-6, 2007.

The Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development and the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Arts are offering 15 Hamad Bin Khalifa travel fellowships.

The Hamad Bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art strives to foster the development of an international community of researchers and scholars in Islamic art and cultures. The fellowship provides financial support for conference attendance and recognition of scholars from diverse geographic and cultural areas, including those from the less developed and less well-funded countries.

Many scholars, who more characteristically conduct research for years with minimal support, are having a hard time believing that these generous fellowships are merely to attend the symposium, and not to present papers, as is usual with travel fellowships.
Thirteen speakers from around the world from a variety of disciplines will explore the theme of water in the Islamic lands from southern Europe to South Asia from the 7th century to the present. Topics range from the supply and distribution of water to its role in religion and popular culture.

Attendance at the Rivers of Paradise: Water in Islamic Art and Culture Symposium in Doha, Qatar is an opportunity for advanced students and other scholars from around the world to meet and interact with one another. The fellowship will also allow students and scholars to visit Doha, one of the fastest-growing Islamic Art centers in the Middle East.
Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom, shared holders of the Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair of Islamic Art at VCU and the Norma Jean Calderwood University Chair of Islamic and Asian Art at Boston College, and curators of the acclaimed current exhibition of Islamic art Cosmophilia, are convening the conference.

Online fellowship applications are due June 1, 2007. Complimentary symposium registration will be available July 2007. For more information contact Diane Tepfer at and click

Submited By: Diane Tepfer

Monday, March 19, 2007

Utah Association of Independent Insurance Agents (UAIIA) (12th grade)

This $1000 scholarship is available to high school seniors who have a minimum 3.0 GPA, are active in extra-curricular activities. One scholarship will be awarded to a student who is interested in pursuing a career in insurance, and at least two others to students pursuing insurance or business degrees. Applicants must submit a transcript, photo, and application.

Applications are available in the counseling office or online at Click the scholarship link.

Deadline: March 30.

Save Our History Student of the Year (9th -12th grade)

The winner of this contest will be awarded $5000 cash as well as an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. Runners-up will receive $500 and a digital camera. Students must complete a research project on local or state history. Applicants must then answer several questions and provide additional documentation of the project.

Applications are available in the counseling office or online at

Deadline: March 30.

Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship (12th Grade)

This scholarship is available to students who have an ACT score of at least 25 and GPA of at least 3.7. Applicants must include letter of acceptance to college where student will attend full time, and be a Utah resident.

Applications are available in the counseling office or online at

Deadline: March 30.

Jackie Robinson Foundation (12th grade)

This scholarship is available to minority students who show leadership potential and interest in their community, and demonstrate financial need. Students must submit a letter of recommendation and an official transcript, and should release their ACT score to this scholarship foundation when they take the ACT.

Apply online at

Deadline: March 31.

Susan M Hamos Memorial Scholarship (12th grade)

This $500 scholarship is available to graduating female students with high academic potential, financial need, and a sincere desire to complete a college curriculum. One student will be nominated from Tooele High School to compete for the scholarship. All applications must be returned to the counseling office for review and selection of final applicant. Applications are available in the counseling office.

Deadline: March 31.

Western Wyoming Community College Scholarships (12th grade)

Several scholarships are available for students who wish to attend Western Wyoming Community College. These awards vary. General information is available in the counseling office, and applications are available online at

Deadline: (priority) April 1.

National Federation of the Blind (12th grade)

This scholarship is for students that are blind or visually impaired. There are two levels of scholarships & state and national & with different deadlines. The national scholarship is worth up to $12,000, while the Utah scholarship is worth up to $1500. Applicants should send a copy of their application and all documents to separate addresses to apply for both scholarships. Must include personal letter, two letters of recommendation, transcripts, letter from State Federation, and ACT scores. Applications are available in the counseling office.

National Deadline: March 31.
State Deadline: April 15.

Men’s Italian American Civic League Scholarship (12th grade)

This $1500 scholarship is available to students of recent Italian ancestry. Scholarship applicants will be judged on ACT or SAT score (30 percent), exceptional high academic ability (30 percent), extracurricular activity involvement (20 percent), and Italian heritage and involvement w/ an Italian Cultural Organization (20 percent). Applicants are required to submit an official transcript, outline of extracurricular activities, summary of future goals, and 300 word essay. You may apply for both the Men’s and Women’s Chapter Scholarship. However, one recipient may not receive both. Applications are available in the counseling office.

Deadline: April 1.

Gift for Life Scholarship (9th-12th grade)

Applicants for this scholarship must be members of the Young American Bowling Alliance, have not competed in a professional bowling tournament, have a minimum GPA of 2.0, and demonstrate financial need. Applicants are required to submit an essay and a letter of recommendation. Applications are available in the counseling office.

Deadline: April 1.

Alliance for Unity Scholarship (12th grade)

Forty $2000 scholarships are available to students graduating from Utah high schools who have financial need. Criteria for this scholarship include: parents’ income of less than $30,000 annually, 2.5 GPA, consistent after school work history, good citizenship and promotion of the values of unity, civility, and respect for others. Applicants must include a letter of recommendation. Applications are available in the counseling office or online at

Deadline: April 1.

Valley Mental Health Prevention Scholarships (12th grade)

This scholarship will be awarded to up to five graduating high school seniors from throughout the district who have chosen to live a drug and violence free lifestyle. Applications will be scored using the following criterion: Living a drug and violence free lifestyle, being a role model, community service, participation in school activities & clubs, participation in Valley Mental Health sponsored events & clubs. Applications are available in the counseling office.

Deadline: April 2.

Chemical Lime Company-Tom Chambers Scholarship (12th grade)

This $1000 per semester scholarship is based on financial need, demonstrated high moral integrity, involvement in activities, demonstrated work ethic, and a passion for a career goal that can be articulated. Applicants are required to provide a short essay, resume, and three letters of recommendation. Students should submit these materials to the Chemical Lime Company in Grantsville.

Deadline: April 6.

AFSA Scholarship Contest (12th grade)

This scholarship is worth $2000. To enter this contest, students must read a 3000 word essay on fire sprinklers, then answer a 10 question open-book quiz. They will receive an entry for each correct answer.

Apply online at

Deadline: April 13.

American Legacy Scholarship (12th grade)

This scholarship is available to children of active duty U.S. military and Guard, and active Reserve, who died on or after 9/11/01. Financial need is considered. Students must complete several short essay questions. Application is available online at

Deadline: April 15.

Humboldt State University Scientific Leadership Scholars Program (12th grade)

This four-year scholarship is available to all students with at least a 2.75 GPA and financial need, who are interested in studying computer science, mathematics, or environmental resources engineering at Humboldt State University in northern California. Priority will be given to American Indian and/or first generation college students.

Applications are available in the counseling office or online at

Deadline: April 15.

Skateboard Scholarship (12th grade)

This scholarship is available to seniors with at least a 2.5 GPA. Special consideration will be given for skateboard activism. Students must submit an essay, transcript, and two letters of recommendation. There is not an official scholarship application form for this scholarship. Information about what to submit is available online at

Deadline: April 20.

Ayn Rand- The Fountainhead Essay Contest (11th and 12th grade)

Students must read the book “The Fountainhead,” then write an essay on a specific related topic. More information is available in the counseling office. Essays may be mailed or submitted online at

Deadline: April 25.

Holocaust Remembrance Scholarship (9th12th grade)

This scholarship is open to all high school students. Students write an essay of not more than 1,200 words in response to the theme. Rules and prompt are on the Web site. Students are required to submit their essay online at Ten first-place winners will receive a trip to Washington D.C. on July 15-20, 2007, a gold medal, certificate of participation, and scholarship ranging from $2500-$10,000. Second-place winners will receive $500, silver medal, and certificate of participation, and third-place winners will receive $300, bronze medal, and certificate of participation.

Deadline: April 30, by 11:59 p.m. EST.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Scholarship established at livestock show

Before Herman Moore died last year, he and Bernard Clark and Bernard Lewis often talked about the three local agriculture-oriented families establishing a scholarship. The scholarship, they felt, should go to student who participated in the annual West Florida Livestock Association Show and Sale.

Moore did not live to see it, but last week, a three family scholarship was established during the 63rd annual show and sale. Called the CLM Scholarships first recipient will be announced in 2008.

“Mr. Moore was very active in the show and sale. He participated as a child and teenager when, because of segregation, there were two shows and sales. After integration, his son, Gerard, participated and now his grandson, Jake and Ethan, are participating.” said Agriculture Extension Service Director Henry Grant. The families or their representatives will determine the criterior for the scholarship recipient.

Clark and Lewis said they are honored to have their named associated with the scholarship.

Grant said that Moore was a valued member of the West Florida Livestock Association. “He provided the pigs each year for the Pig Scramble,” Grant said.

The three men, said Grant, have been unwavering supporters of the show and sale and of the young participants. “They were always available to give them tips and advice on how best to show and groom their animals,” he said.

Information from:

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Germany: PhD Positions in Wireless, RF-Microwave, and Radar Systems

Germany: PhD Positions in Wireless, RF/Microwave, and Radar Systems at Jacobs University Bremen

Dr. Jon Wallace, Professor of Electrical Engineering with the School of Engineering and Science at Jacobs University Bremen*, has two immediate openings for highly qualified PhD students in the general area of Communications, Systems, and Electronics. Likely research topics include

Wireless Communications
RF/Microwave Circuits
Reconfigurable Microwave Antennas
Propagation Channel Measurement, Characterization, Modeling
MIMO Communications
UWB Communications and RADAR
Microwave RADAR for biomedical and through-wall imaging
Wireless Security

The successful candidates will conduct research with a strong experimental component involving

RF/Microwave circuit/antenna design and simulation in ADS
Prototype circuit fabrication and testing
System-level integration of instruments and custom hardware
Digital logic design, simulation, synthesis
VHDL programming of Xilinx FPGAs
Data collection and processing with MATLAB
Development of signal processing and communications algorithms
The successful candidates will fill two PhD openings that carry three years of guaranteed funding (tuition plus a living stipend of EUR 12.000/year). Funding extensions beyond three years are in theory possible through DAAD or other external sources. Candidates should have an MSc degree in Electrical Engineering or related field. University or work experience in hardware, programming, and experimental methods is also a plus.

Individuals with a BSc interested in pursuing research in these areas at the master’s level are encouraged to apply to the masters program in Communications, Systems, and Electronics.

To apply, please read and complete the Electrical Engineering Admission Requirements at this page.

To be considered for these positions, clearly refer to this announcement in your letter of intent. For informal inquiries or questions regarding these positions or research topics, you may contact Dr. Wallace at

*Jacobs University, formerly known as International University Bremen, is a private university in northern Germany based on the Anglo/American model, offering BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in engineering and science, the humanities, and social sciences. Instruction is in English.

Submited By: Jon Wallace

[French] The French Government Scholarships Program 2007 in Master, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral Studies For Indonesian Citizens

The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, has been providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for more than 25 years. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesian human resources, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2006. These scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers, students (with a priority to those involved in a cooperation program between France and Indonesia) to undertake three kinds of training :

* Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
* Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared cost basis)
* Post-Doctoral program (maximum duration of 6 months, only on a shared cost basis)

TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT Preparation Material. Its Free!!
toefl test, gmat test, ielts test, gre test
free toefl, free gmat sample test, free ielts, gre practice test

Applicants must fulfill the following requirements :

* Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1.
* Fluent English.
* Less than 35 years old.
* Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences - 3.5).
* 2 years of working experience (except for fresh graduate students).
* Submit all the documents specified in the application form.

Fields of studies

1. Public administration *
2. Law and political sciences *
3. Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering...)
4. Fundamental sciences (mathematics, physics) - Minimum GPA score of 3.5.

* Please note that these . elds of studies (1.2) require a minimum level of French language.

To get the application form, send an e-mail to To get the application form, send an e-mail to

or download it by click the link below
Application form

Applicants from outside Java are encouraged to apply to this scholarship program.

The selection committee will greatly appreciate applicants who have already identified a master/doctoral program and have been in correspondence (via e-mail) with the Professor in charge of the program, as a proof of their motivation and interest to study in France.

Please note that applicants are not requested to get an acceptance letter.

The Edufrance offices in Indonesia may help you in order to find the study program that suits your project.

Centre Culturel Français de Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya no 25
Tel. : (021) 310 18 84
Fax : (021) 310 13 17

CCF Bandung
Jl Purnawarman no 32
Tel. : (022) 421 54 30br /> Fax : (022) 420 78 77

Selection procedure

Step one :
Selection based on the application forms and required documents submitted.

Step two :
Motivation interview (French or English languages only) in Jakarta.

The Embassy of France scholarship covers

* Intensive French language course (11 months in French Cultural Center)
* Airplane tickets
* Tuition fees
* Monthly living allowance
* Insurance

Application deadline

All applications must be sent before Monday 30th April 2007 at the following address :

Ambassade de France en Indonesie
Service de cooperation et d`action culturelle
Jalan Panarukan no 35, Menteng - Jakarta 1031

Japan: Examination for Japanese University (EJU) Admission for International Student 2007

Execution of first session of test EJU for this year will be executed by 17 Junes 2007. Registration of participant has been opened starts 20 Februari and will be closed by 16 Marchs 2007.

2007 EJU (1st Session)

Examination Date
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Application Period
From Monday, February 19 to Friday, March 16, 2007
*The application must be postmarked by March 16

Mailing Date of Score Report
Friday, July 20, 2007 (tentative)
2007 EJU (2nd Session)

Examination Date
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Application Period
From Monday, July 2 to Friday, July 27, 2007
*The application must be postmarked by July 27

Mailing Date of Score Report
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 (tentative)

For further information please contact

For description is more complete, please click

The Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) is used to evaluate whether international students who wish to study at the undergraduate level at universities or other such higher educational institutions in Japan possess the Japanese language skills and the basic academic abilities needed to study at those institutions.

EJU takes the place of both the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and the General Examination for Foreign Students (no longer administered as of December 2001), which many universities (undergraduate level) and other higher educational institutions in Japan previously required international students to take for admission. Starting in 2002, EJU will be administered twice a year (June and November) in Japan and other countries and regions. For a list of examination sites, see “Examination sites.”

EJU includes the following subject tests: Japanese as a Foreign Language, Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology), Japan and the World, and Mathematics. Applicants select which subject tests to take based on the requirements of the Japanese university they wish to enter. The examination is available in Japanese or English, and applicants may specify, at the time of application, the examination language they wish to take (the Japanese as a Foreign Language test is administered in Japanese only).

Monday, March 12, 2007

USA: The Joel L. Fleishman Civil Society Fellows Program 2007

Created in honor of the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy’s founding director, the Joel L. Fleishman Civil Society Fellows Program provides a select group of leaders from nonprofit organizations, international NGOs, foundations, government, socially responsible businesses, and other civil society groups with the opportunity to spend a four-week residential sabbatical at Duke University’s Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy.

While at Duke, Fellows perform research and work with Institute faculty and other Duke affiliates on issues related to the development of civil society. Applicants are selected based upon their proposed research topic and how they intend to utilize Duke’s resources to benefit their professional work in society. Housing and program expenses are covered. In addition, each Fellow receives a $6000 stipend.

Full-time academics are not eligible to apply. The 2007 Fellowship period will begin October 1, 2007. The Application deadline is May 1, 2007. Applications can be downloaded from the program website.

Contact: Melynn Glusman, Program Director, 919-613-7432 or

Belgium: PhD Position on Reporter GENE IMAGING in Songbird Brain 2007

The University of Antwerp is a knowledge centre with 3.400 co-workers that performs ground-breaking and innovative research of international standing. The university takes special care to ensure optimal support and supervision of students, and pays constant attention to educational innovation. The university is an autonomous pluralistic institution that is committed to the enhancement of an open, democratic and multicultural society, and it pursues an equal opportunities policy.

The Bio Imaging Lab at the University of Antwerp is seeking to fill the following full time vacancy (m/f) available from March 2007: PhD position in songbird neurology

Job description:
The Research in the Bio Imaging Lab is focussing on in-vivo neuro MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of animal models for neurodegeneration (rat and mice models for Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington Disease..etc) and neuroregeneration for which the songbird brain is a superior model (adult neuroplasticity and neurogenesis).

The project aims at achieving in-vivo visualisation and quantification of adult neurogenesis in the canary brain under variable circumstances (seasonal and hormonal changes, input of growth factors etc..). Within this project the imaging tools will not be limited to in-vivo MRI, but will be complemented by in-vivo Bioluminescence imaging and ex-vivo Fluorescence imaging and Immunohistochemistry for validation of the in-vivo tools.

Profile and requirements:
A successful applicant should have a Master in Biomedical, Biological or Bio-Molecular Sciences or related, good communication skills to interact in different research fields, determined to reach the proposed aims and not scared of learning new cutting edge imaging techniques.

We offer:
The PhD position has a 12-month initial employment basis, and may be renewable for up to four years upon positive evaluation the first year. The position is based in the University of Antwerp (Antwerp, Belgium) but offers the opportunity to visit and collaborate with research groups from KUL, Max Planck Institute in Munich and LUMC in Leiden.

Please send your application, which should include your CV, motivation and the contact information of two references to:

Prof Dr A. Van der Linden
Bio-Imaging Lab
University of Antwerp
Groenenborgerlaan 171
B-2020 Antwerp
TEL. +32 3 265 32 30
FAX. +32 3 265 32 33

Review of applications will begin as soon as possible and will continue until the position is filled.

For more information on the activities of our research group please consult our website: